Endocrinology and Endocrine System
Comparative Endocrinology
Comparative Endocrinology is focused on studies of evolution of endocrine systems, regulation of hormone actions in animals, development of model systems, and the role of the environment in controlling hormone functions related to major life-history events. It is an interdisciplinary knowledge in the fields of biology and medicine at the analysis levels of sub-molecular, molecular, and cellular. Comparative endocrinology had important contributions to basic research and clinical endocrinology. During 21st century, an environmental comparative endocrinologist plays an important role in the identification and assessment of endocrine disruption on vertebrate and invertebrate animals. All comparative biologists are encouraged to communicate their understanding of threats to biological systems to non-scientists to facilitate their understanding of the human impacts of various kinds of pollution and habitat destruction on wildlife and ecosystems as well as their long-term consequences.
Journal key Highlights
List of Open Access Journals View More
Reviews in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Reviews in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical sciences is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that aims to publish high quality research on Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis and Quality Assurance, Pharmaceutics, Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy...View More
Review of Cell Science Journal
RCSJ welcome researchers, pharma companies, professors, scientists, biologists, biotechnologists, immunologists, stem cell researchers, clinical scientists, molecular biologists to contribute current research work to the scientific world....View More
Department of Electrical Engineering: Current Research
DEECR welcomes authors to contribute current research and reports, Experimental studies, Review articles, Short communication, Editorial, Letter to Editor, Survey Reports submission of manuscripts related to Signal Processing, Material Science, Microelectronics, Electronic materials, Power System Protection, DC Power Converter, C Power Converter, Electrophysics and its applications, Electromagnetism, etc....View More
International Journal of Catalysis and Chemical Engineering
International Journal of Catalysis and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE) is a scholarly open access per-reviewed journal aim to publish be valuable source of information in field of Chemical Engineering, Catalysis, Catalytic Materials & Mechanisms, Nanocatalysis....View More
Journal of Oncology and Cancer Research
Journal of Oncology and Cancer Research provides a unique platform for all the academicians and professionals to share their knowledge, laboratory findings, discussions which in-turn accelerates the further research in the field of cancer. JOCR manuscripts undergo rigorous...View More
Journal of Cardiology Research and Endovascular Therapy
The journal focus includes cardiac diseases, cardiovascular surgeries, pathophysiology, screening and epidemiology, vascular diseases, embolic protection, imaging technologies and electrophysiology, drug-eluting stents etc. JCRET articles will be strictly peer-reviewed through double blind...View More