Journal of Medical Sciences and Health Care Research

Disease Prevention

Disease Prevention is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. Disease prevention differs from health promotion because it focuses on specific efforts aimed at reducing the development and severity of chronic diseases and other morbidities.

List of Open Access Journals View More

International Journal Evolving Sustainable and Renewable Energy Solutions

International Journal Evolving Sustainable and Renewable Energy Solutions publishes original, current research, novel methods, advancing concepts on Solar Energy, Bioenergy, Wind Energy, Hydropower, Environmental Impact, Geothermal Energy, Energy Storage, Grid Integration, Energy Policy and Regulation, Sustainable Energy Economics, Biomedical Applications, etc. strategies that will drive positive change in the worldwide....View More

Journal of Medical Sciences and Health Care Research

Journal primary objective is to provide research and applications related to Medical & Health Sciences. This journal strives to serve a diverse readership by publishing articles in a wide range of topics. This journal will welcome articles from the field of all specialities medical science that includes feilds like medicine...View More

Dermatology Research: SkinInsights

Endocrinology and Endocrine System is an Open Access journal which aims to develop knowledge and to share the information freely by making them available through online without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide and also to the readers globally...View More

Journal of Environment and Pollution

Endocrinology and Endocrine System is an Open Access journal which aims to develop knowledge and to share the information freely by making them available through online without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide and also to the readers globally...View More

International Journal of Applied Food Science and Nutrition

Endocrinology and Endocrine System is an Open Access journal which aims to develop knowledge and to share the information freely by making them available through online without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide and also to the readers globally...View More

International Journal of Biomedical Science and Research

International Journal of Biomedical Science and Research is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, academic journal that provides an area to share the information by medical scientists and researchers on the topics of biomedical science. Biomedical Science is the field of study that focuses on the areas of biology...View More