Endocrinology and Endocrine System

Paediatric Endocrinology

Pediatric endocrinology (British: Paediatric) is a medical subspecialty dealing with disorders of the endocrine glands, such as variations of physical growth and sexual development in childhood, diabetes and many more. By age, pediatric endocrinologists, depending upon the age range of the patients they treat, care for patients from infancy to late adolescence and young adulthood. The most common disease of the specialty is type 1 diabetes, which usually accounts for at least 50% of a typical clinical practice. The next most common problem is growth disorders, especially those amenable to growth hormone treatment. Pediatric endocrinologists are usually the primary physicians involved in the medical care of infants and children with intersex disorders. The specialty also deals with hypoglycemia and other forms of hyperglycemia in childhood, variations of puberty, as well other adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary problems. Many pediatric endocrinologists have interests and expertise in bone metabolism, lipid metabolism, adolescent gynecology, or inborn errors of metabolism.

List of Open Access Journals View More

Nanomedicine and Nanoscience Technology: Open Access

Nanomedicine and Nanoscience Technology: Open Access is an Open Access journal and aims to publish most complete and reliable source of information on the applications, discoveries and current developments on nanomedicine and nanoscience technology in the mode of original articles...View More

Review of Cell Science Journal

RCSJ welcome researchers, pharma companies, professors, scientists, biologists, biotechnologists, immunologists, stem cell researchers, clinical scientists, molecular biologists to contribute current research work to the scientific world....View More

International Journal of Economic Research Updates

Reviews in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical sciences is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that aims to publish high quality research on Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis and Quality Assurance, Pharmaceutics, Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy...View More

International Journal of Catalysis and Chemical Engineering

International Journal of Catalysis and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE) is a scholarly open access per-reviewed journal aim to publish be valuable source of information in field of Chemical Engineering, Catalysis, Catalytic Materials & Mechanisms, Nanocatalysis....View More

Journal of Medical Sciences and Health Care Research

Journal primary objective is to provide research and applications related to Medical & Health Sciences. This journal strives to serve a diverse readership by publishing articles in a wide range of topics. This journal will welcome articles from the field of all specialities medical science that includes feilds like medicine...View More

Health and Preventive Medicine Journal

Health and Preventive Medicine Journal (HPMJ) is a scholarly open access peer-reviewed journal aim to publish be valuable source of information both experimental and theoretical in field of Health science, Epidemiology, Health management and Preventive medicine...View More