Journal of Medical Sciences and Health Care Research
Abdulkadir Geylani Sahan
Abdulkadir Geylani Sahan, PhD
Medical Faculty, Internal Medicine
Ankara University, Turkey
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I havebeenmedicaldoctor since 11 years. I haveworkedforensicsciencemedicine, pediatricsurgery, obstetric&gynecology, psychiatry, before being internal medicine specialist. After; I have workedintensivecareunitabouttwoyearsforeducatinginternalmedicine.Diabetes educatorinstructor foreducation, internalintensive care,CVVHD(continuousveno-venoushemodialysis), CAVHD(continuousarteriovenoushemodialysis), mechanical ventilation, non-invasive mechanical ventilationfieldtrainingI workedininternalintensive careover the two yearsas apracticalbought .Twoarticlespublished ininternationalTogether, the twohave been published ininternational conferencesand congressespostersare available.I have been internal medicine specialist since one and half yearinBaykan,Siirt and after that; I have been surgery,internal,coronary and cardiovascular intensive care administrator a year. Intensive care administratory ; I have been internal medicine specialist in Bahat hospital istanbul. One yerar after this; I am currently working ESHAsurgerymedicalcenterinternalmedicinespecialist. I definedmyselfprone tobusiness lifeteamwork, open communication believed,results-oriented, open to development, asnewscientificdevelopmentsfollowing,nigglingpersonality
Research Interest
Medical treatment, new treatment, approach and treatment modalities
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