Journal of Medical Sciences and Health Care Research

Dr. Faisal Abdullatif Alnaser

Dr. Faisal Abdullatif Alnaser

Dr. Faisal Abdullatif Alnaser, MBBS, FPC, MICGP, FRCGP, FAM (
Professor, Department of Primary Care
Imperial College, United Kingdom
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Professor and honorary faculty of Imperial College, London, Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioner and College of Public Health. UK, Member of the Irish College of General Practitioner and the American Academy of Family Physicians. Was the Vice President and Chairman of Family & Community Department at Arabian Gulf University. The General Secretary of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine, Currently the chairman of Home Health Care Centre, Served for eight years as the President of the Scientific Council of Family & Community Medicine in the Arab Board for Health Specialties, Board member and official representative of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the Elite Doctor Association, Member of Anti-Smoking International Alliance Founder and a member of Global Family Medicine Scientific Alliance. Advisor for WHO, EMRO region and WONCA, EMR. Published three books contributed to chapters in three international text-books and has 71 scientific articles published in referred journals. Former Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Bahrain Medical Society, Editorial board member of many national and international journals. Awarded many recognitions and appreciation of excellence from various local and international organizations and was recognized for distinguished parents caring and recently was awarded certificate of excellence by the World Health & Wellness Awards in India. Recently awarded the “Five Star Doctor Award for the WONCA Emr region” by the WONCA during the 22nd WONCA World Conference of Family Doctors held in Seoul, Korea October 17 to 21, 2018

Research Interest

Family Medicine, Primary Health Care

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