Reviews in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Dr. Jayvadan Patel

Dr. Jayvadan Patel

Dr. Jayvadan Patel, PhD, PostDoct
Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Sankalchand Patel University, India
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Dr. Jayvadankumar K Patel, born on August 4, 1974 and a student of Gujarati medium of instruction, is a B. Pharm (1996), B. K. Modi Government College of Pharmacy, Rajkot, M. Pharm. (2003) (Pharmaceutical Technology) Department of Pharmacy, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Ph.D. (2005), and LLB (2009) both from Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan, PostDoctorate (2016), USF College of Pharmacy, University of South Florida, USA. He began his teaching career as lecture in 1996 at Shree S. K. Patel College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Ganpat University and later he joined Nootan Pharmacy College, Visnagar, Gujarat as Assistant Professor and Principal (I/c) in 2008, where he is presently the Professor, Dean (Faculty of Pharmacy and Physiotherapy) and Principal. Dr. Jayvadankumar has published 240 research papers, presented 52 papers, both in India and abroad and holds one patent jointly and three are filed. He has co-authored 16 books and contributed 76 chapters in a book published in USA. His papers have been cited more than 5000 times, with more than 23 papers getting more than 50 citations each. He has 36 h-index and 120 i10-index for his credit. Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India has published International Comparative Research Base (2009-14) and Dr. Patel has been put in honours list of 4th Rank of Top 10 authors in subject area Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics. His 16 projects with worth more than Rs. 2.2 Crore are funded by government agencies and industries. He has guided 106 M. Pharm students and mentored 46 PhD scholars and guiding 6 more for their doctorial theses. He is already decorated with a dozen awards and prizes, both national and international. He is recipient of very prestigious ?AICTE-Visvesvaraya Best Teachers Award-2020? by All India Council for Technical Education, Government of India and APTI-young pharmacy teacher award (2014) by Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India. He is a member of many professional bodies/universities/councils and boards. He has organized a number of staff developments program, workshops, seminars, public lectures, pharmacist refresher courses sponsored by government agencies and received Rs. 23.95 lac grant. He has travelled widely in UK, Singapore, USA, Germany, France, UAE, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Spain, Italy, Canada, Russia etc., to present his research findings supported by various government agencies and received Rs. 10.66 lac international travel grant. He is a reviewer of more than 60 and editorial board member of 14 reputed scientific journals. He is a resource person/invited speaker at many programmes in the country. Dr. Jayvadankumar Patel is an innovative, enthusiastic and committed teacher. He uses modern tools and technology for teaching and assessment. He has designed small scale equipment for students use. He has been a part of co-curricular and extracurricular activities at his college and university. As an entrepreneur he has established his own Pharmaceutical Pvt Ltd and set an example for other teachers.

Research Interest

Nanotechnology, Pharmaceutical Sciences

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