Journal of Molecular Genetics and Gene Research



Department of Poultry Science
UAF, Pakistan
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My core expertise is in the field of poultry production and my focused area of research is Poultry Science. Good genetic background and nutrition both are necessary for efficient production performance of animals. Genetic variation amongst poultry birds is basic primary tool to improve performance. I am interested to improve the genetic potential of indigenous poultry stock to chase excels genetic pool to meet high protein demand.I am interested in formulating poultry ration added with local herbs (alternate to antibiotics) to boost; immune response, physiological and production performance of poultry birds. Heat stress is major problem to poultry in Pakistan. One of the commendable attempts in solving this problem is my research work of PhD at the University of Agriculture Faisalabad entitled as “effects of dietary inclusion of sodium-bicarbonate on production performance, blood profile and nutrient digestibility of caged layers during summer”. Harmful effects of heat stress on performance of caged layers were successfully alleviated with the dietary inclusion of different levels of sodium bicarbonate. I am also interested to chase excels genetic pool against heat stress to meet high protein demand during summer. Sustainable use of energy is demand of the time for economical production and for the healthy global environment. My concern is planning of poultry farming involving genetics,nutritional and environmental sciences for sustainable poultry production. I want to see my country being acknowledged as a major poultry producer in the world. In the value chain of poultry products, I am confident to add value, by expend my experience and sharing the knowledge gained in poultry production. Poultry industry has a great potential and worthto derive maximum benefits for local consumption as well as for foreign exports. This is not an un-attainable target, for I know, that every accomplishment begins with a clear vision of the future. We have the right ingredients to make our country independent and prosper in every field.

Research Interest

Animal Beeding and Genetics, Poultry Nutrition

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