International Journal of Surgery and Anesthesia Research

Maria Dalamagka

Maria Dalamagka

Maria Dalamagka, PhD
Department of Anesthesia
General University Hospital of Larissa, Spain
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Maria Dalamagka currently works at the Department of Anesthesia, General University Hospital of Larissa. Maria does research in acupuncture and Anaesthetics. She is PhD medicine , doctor of pain , MD. Editorial board member :Scifed Journal, Pain Medicine and Management, Enliven, Cient Periodique, Journal of Pain Management and Medicine _Longdom, Anesthesia &Pain Research _Scivision, GJNFS, Journal if Pain and Relief. Speaker and organizing committee to conferences as:Pain Research and Management Zurich 2018, 5th international conference Pain Research &Management London 2017, and Vancouver , Canada 2016, Word congress on Pain Medicine and Management Singapore 2019, International Conference on Alzheimers &Neurodegenerative desease Madrid , Spain 2018, scientific federation speaker

Research Interest

Research in acupuncture and Anaesthetics

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