Journal of Medical Sciences and Health Care Research
Rahul Hajare
Rahul Hajare, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Medical Chemistry
Pune University, India
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Dr. Rahul Hajare has been a hard worker all his academic life. After his Ph.D in Pharmacy from VMRF Salem which he completed with flying colours, he is fortunate to work NARI primer HIV research Institute to complete Post Docunder the of World Renowned Scientist Respected Dr. R.S.Paranjape., Retired Director & Scientist 'G' National AIDS Research Institute Pune. Dr. Rahul Hajare has Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Medical Chemistry to Pune University (until 2020), he has serviced three times AssociateProfessor in Pharmaceutical Science and Analytical Science. Graduated from Amravati University in 2003, after an assignment he worked as an M.Pharm Scholar in the Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research passed with distinction, he has Post Graduate Teacher for Master of Pharmacy, he has more than 30 scientific and methodological works, 3 patents of scientific research. Dr. Hajare has celebrated International Scientist Awards 2020 On Engineering, Science and Medicine 15&16-Feb-2020|Chennai, India.
Research Interest
Prof. Dr. Rahul Hajare Research interests include Molecular Virology, Biology and Geneticist.
Journal key Highlights
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