Journal of Molecular Genetics and Gene Research
Shalini singh
Shalini singh, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
MJPR University, India
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Dr. Shalini Singh is presently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Bareilly College Bareilly (U.P.) India. She has been completed her Ph.D. in 2001 From APSU Rewa (M.P.)and got her D.SC. Degree from MJPR University Bareilly(U.P.) in 2016. Dr. Singh is Fellow member of Indian Chemical Society Kolkata, India and also a fellow member of FAI (Forum for Advanced Training Education and Research Academy of India) . Dr Singh is also member of many prestigious Editorials boards of national and international repute. She has got awards and rewards in an unending sequence like the D.S.T. Women Scientist Scheme Award (WOS-A),(from India Government ), U.G.C. Research Award 2011(India government ), Recipient of Indian Chemical Society Award-2012 [for best research paper in forty ninth Annual Conventions of Chemists 2012]. I have received Bentham Ambassador 2018-2019.
Research Interest
Cheminformatics, Computer -Aided Drug Designing Molecular Modeling, QSAR/QSPR/QSTR and Docking
Journal key Highlights
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