Reviews in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Srihari Konduri

Srihari Konduri

Srihari Konduri, Ph.D.
Executive Editor
Staff Scientist, School of pharmacy
University of California, USA
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Dr. Srihari Konduri received his bachelor's degree from the Acharya Nagarjuna University in Guntur, India, and the master's from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India. After that started working career in the pharmaceutical industry and concurrently completed his Ph.D. from Vignan University(VFSTR), Guntur, India, working under the direction of Dr. Koya Prabhakara Rao. He has 10 years of pharmaceutical industry experience. He is currently working as an SRA III under prof. Dionicio Siegel at the University of California San Diego (UCSD).

Research Interest

The main current research is on identify and synthesis of new drugs- like compounds for the treatment of diabetes, colitis, multiple sclerosis, and cancers.

List of Open Access Journals View More

Journal of Rehabilitation Research Current Updates

JRRCU publishes original, current research, clinical studies, novel methods, advancing concepts on Orthopaedics, Geriatric, Trauma, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, Palliative care, psychology, etc....View More

Public Health and Epidemiology: Open Access Journal

PHEOAJ is a scholarly open access peer-reviewed journal aim to publish be valuable source of information both experimental and theoretical in the field of Public health, Epidemiology, Health care system...View More

Academic Journal of Chemical Engineering

AJCE is a scholarly open access peer-reviewed journal aim to publish be valuable source of information in field of Chemical science, biophysics, engineering, environmental science, medicine, physical science current research in the field....View More

Department of Electrical Engineering: Current Research

DEECR welcomes authors to contribute current research and reports, Experimental studies, Review articles, Short communication, Editorial, Letter to Editor, Survey Reports submission of manuscripts related to Signal Processing, Material Science, Microelectronics, Electronic materials, Power System Protection, DC Power Converter, C Power Converter, Electrophysics and its applications, Electromagnetism, etc....View More

Journal of Molecular Genetics and Gene Research

Journal of Molecular Genetics and Gene Research is a peer reviewed scientific journal known for rapid dissemination of high-quality research. It serves the International Scientific Community with its standard research publications. This journal is using Online Manuscript Management system...View More

Endocrinology and Endocrine System

Endocrinology and Endocrine System is an Open Access journal which aims to develop knowledge and to share the information freely by making them available through online without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide and also to the readers globally...View More