Journal of Oncology and Cancer Research

Tai An Chiang

Tai An Chiang

Tai An Chiang, Ph.D
Professor, Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology
Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology, Taiwan
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Dr Tai-an Chiang is a Vice President, Dean, Director, College of Medicine and Life Science, and Professor of Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology. Chung Hwa, University of Medical Technology (CUMT), Tainan County, Taiwan (R.O.C.). He has received PhD in Graduate Institute of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University in Kaohsiung Taiwan (R.O.C.) in 1997 He has completed his Master of Science in Kaohsiung Medical Institute (1992), his Bachelor of Medical Technology from Kaohsiung Medical Institute, School of Medical Technology in Taiwan (1986). Dr Chiang’s research is focused on medical engineering, biotechnology, GMO, cancer genetics, cancer biostatistics, transcriptional regulation, chemoprevention study via cell and animal models. He is serving as international journal reviewer for a number of reputed journals such as Food and Chemical Toxicology, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, International Journal of Experimental Pathology et al, and has more than 80 publications.

Research Interest

Medical engineering, biotechnology, GMO, cancer genetics, cancer biostatistics, transcriptional regulation, monoclonal ab, chemoprevention study via cell and animal models

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