Current Research in Next Generation Materials Engineering

Current Research in Next Generation Materials Engineering

Instructions for Authors

Current Research in Next Generation Materials Engineering invites original research articles, review articles, case studies, and technical papers that explore new and emerging materials with advanced properties and applications. Authors are requested to adhere to the submission guidelines to ensure a smooth review and publication process.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format through the journal’s email submission system.
  • A cover letter must accompany the submission, outlining the manuscript's significance, confirming that it is original, and stating that it is not under consideration elsewhere.
  • All co-authors must approve the final version of the manuscript before submission.

Article Types:

  • Research Articles: Comprehensive original research studies with detailed methodologies and key findings that contribute to advancing materials engineering.
  • Review Articles: Critical assessments of existing literature that provide new insights, summarize recent developments, or discuss emerging trends in material science.
  • Case Studies: Reports on unique applications of materials in various industries or new methods for material development.
  • Technical Papers: Short papers that discuss specific engineering challenges and solutions related to the design, processing, and application of next-generation materials.

Manuscript Structure:

Title Page: The title should be concise and clearly reflect the manuscript’s content. Include full author names, affiliations, and contact details for the corresponding author.

Abstract: A structured summary of 150-250 words outlining the objectives, methods, main findings, and implications of the study.

Keywords: Provide 5-10 relevant keywords that reflect the core themes of the manuscript.

Introduction: This section should include background information and context for the study, the research objectives, and the significance of the work.

Materials and Methods: Detailed description of the methodology, including experimental designs, techniques used, data collection methods, and analytical processes.

Results: Presentation of key findings, supported by tables, figures, and graphs. The results should be clearly described and supported by quantitative or qualitative data.

Discussion: Interpretation of the results, comparing with existing research, and identifying potential applications or areas for further investigation.

Conclusion: A summary of the findings and recommendations for future research directions, practical applications, or implications for the field.

References: All references should follow the APA citation style. Ensure that references are complete and accurate.

Review Process: All manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer-review process, where both the authors and reviewers remain anonymous.

Authors will receive feedback within four weeks of submission. Revisions may be requested if necessary. Acceptance of a manuscript is contingent upon satisfactory revisions and the manuscript meeting the scientific standards of the journal.

Copyright and Open Access: Upon acceptance, authors will be required to transfer copyright of the manuscript to Current Research in Next Generation Materials Engineering.

The journal follows an open-access publishing model, ensuring that all articles are freely accessible to readers worldwide.

Publication Fees: A processing fee of $1019 applies to all accepted articles. Authors who face financial constraints may apply for a fee waiver or reduction, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. For submission inquiries, please contact the editorial office at [email protected]