Hematology Journal of Blood Science and Disorders

Instructions for Authors
The Hematology Journal of Blood Science and Disorders invites authors to submit original research, reviews, case studies, and clinical articles that align with the scope of the journal. To ensure the smooth processing of manuscripts and maintain the quality of the publication, authors are requested to follow the guidelines provided below.
Manuscript Submission:
All manuscripts must be submitted through the journal’s online submission portal. Authors are required to create an account on the portal to facilitate the submission and review process.
Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format. The manuscript should be fully prepared according to the guidelines set forth in this document before submission.
A cover letter must accompany each manuscript submission. The cover letter should include a brief summary of the article, highlighting its originality, significance, and relevance to the scope of the journal. Additionally, authors should confirm that the manuscript is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript before submission.
All manuscripts should include clear, concise, and well-structured content that adheres to the highest academic standards of writing and presentation.
Article Types:
The Hematology Journal of Blood Science and Disorders accepts the following types of articles:
Research Articles: Full-length original research studies presenting new findings in hematology and blood disorders.
Review Articles: Comprehensive analyses of current literature, offering new perspectives or summarizing key developments in the field.
Case Studies: In-depth reports on specific cases that provide insights into clinical practice and treatment strategies for blood disorders.
Short Communications: Brief reports on preliminary research or novel findings that may lead to further investigations.
Clinical Guidelines and Policy Papers: Documents that discuss clinical best practices or policy recommendations in hematology care and management.
Meta-Analyses: Systematic reviews that consolidate findings from multiple studies to provide a broader understanding of a specific aspect of hematology.
Manuscript Preparation:
Title Page: The title should be concise, clear, and indicative of the manuscript’s content. Include the full names of all authors, their affiliations, and contact information for the corresponding author.
Abstract: An abstract of 150-250 words is required, providing a concise summary of the background, objectives, methods, key findings, and conclusions of the study.
Keywords: A list of 5-10 keywords should be provided to help readers and search engines identify the article’s focus.
Main Text:
Introduction: The introduction should clearly define the research question, provide relevant background information, and highlight the objectives and significance of the study.
Materials and Methods: Describe the study design, sample selection, experimental procedures, and statistical analyses used. Ensure that methods are described in sufficient detail for reproducibility.
Results: Present the key findings of the study, accompanied by tables, figures, and descriptive text. All results should be clearly explained.
Discussion: Analyze the implications of the findings, comparing them with existing literature, discussing their significance, and suggesting areas for future research.
Conclusion: Summarize the main conclusions drawn from the study and suggest practical or clinical applications, if applicable.
References: Cite all sources using APA citation style. Ensure all references are up-to-date and relevant to the topic discussed.
Peer Review Process:
All submitted manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review process, where both the authors and reviewers are unaware of each other’s identities.
Reviewers will assess the quality, originality, and relevance of the research, and provide feedback for revisions if necessary.
Authors will typically receive feedback within four weeks of submission. If revisions are requested, authors must submit a revised manuscript within the time frame indicated by the editorial team.
Manuscripts will be accepted for publication once all revisions meet the editorial requirements and scientific standards.
Ethical Considerations:
Authors must adhere to ethical guidelines when conducting research involving human subjects, animals, or any bioethical concerns. All studies involving human participants must include a statement regarding ethical approval from an institutional review board (IRB) or ethics committee.
Informed consent must be obtained from all participants involved in clinical studies, and authors must state this in their manuscript.
Authors should declare any potential conflicts of interest in their manuscript. Failure to do so may result in the manuscript being rejected.
Copyright and Open Access:
Upon acceptance of the manuscript, authors transfer the copyright to Hematology Journal of Blood Science and Disorders.
The journal follows an open-access model, meaning all articles are freely available to the public immediately upon publication. This ensures that research is accessible globally, facilitating greater visibility and impact.
Publication Fees:
A publication fee of $1,200 is charged for accepted articles. This fee covers editorial, typesetting, and online publication costs. Authors who are unable to pay the full publication fee may apply for a fee waiver or reduction by contacting the editorial office before submission.
Contact Information:
For any inquiries related to manuscript submission or the publication process, please contact the editorial office at [email protected]