International Journal of Biomedical Science and Research

Editorial Board
Loai Aljerf , Ph.D
Professor, Department of Chemistry Damascus University, Syria
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Loai Aljerf works in the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences/Damascus University. He is a specialist in analytical and industrial chemistry. He obtained many awards and published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers (two of them in French) in Environmental Sciences, Green Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Synthesis Chemistry, Concrete, Ceramics, Paper Industry, Petrochemical, Extraction, Separation, Lithium-Ion-Batteries, and Oral Chemistry. He is a partner in Advances in Cleaner Production Network, and a member of the German Chemical Society e.V. (GDCh), Asian Chemical Society, and the American University of Beirut. He is a member of the higher committee of the 6th International Workshop-Advance in Cleaner Production (São Paulo, Brazil (May 24th to 26th - 2017)) and in more than 60 conference organizing committees. Loai Aljerf is in the Cambridge Scholars Publishing-Life Science Advisory Board and an editor of more than 80 journals and a reviewer for Top journals in Industry, Chemical Engineering, and Environmental Chemistry.
Research Intrest:
Research Interest: Nutrition, Industrial Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemical Engineering, Environmental Science, Environmental Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Cement Industry, Ceramics, Paper Industry, Advances in Cleaner Production, Climate Change, Pollution, Wastewater Treatment, Air Pollution, Eco-friendly Biopolymers, Persistent Organic Pollutants, Polychlorinated biphenyls, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Nanotechnology, Adsorption, Ecology and Natural Resources, Biodiversity, Sustainable Development, Waste Management, Environmental Management, Life Cycle Assessment, Ecodesign, Design for the Environment, Energy Labeling, Eco-efficiency, Chromatography, HPLC, GC, MS, AAS, Spectroscopy, and Lithium-Ion-Batteries.

Dr. Amgad M. Rabie , PhD
Head, Clinical Research Department Abbott Laboratories, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, Mansoura , Egypt
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Head of Clinical Research Department, Dikernis General Hospital, Dikernis, Egypt
Research Intrest:
Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Drug Discovery
Yusuf Tutar , PhD
Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy University of Heealth Sciences-Turkey, Germany
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Dr. Yusuf TUTAR currently continues his research at University of Health Sciences, Turkey, Hamidiye Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Division of Biochemistry- Mektebi T?bbiye-i Sahane Turkey. He is also adjunt faculty at Molecular Oncology Program. He obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. at Oregon State University and Texas Tech University respectively. He pursued his postdoctoral studies at Rutgers University Medical School and National Institutes of Health (NIH/NIDDK), USA. His research focuses on Biochemistry, Biophysics, Genetics, Molecular Biology, and Molecular Medicine with specialization in the fields of drug design, protein structure-function, protein folding, prion, microrna, pseudogenes, molecular cancer, epigenetics, metabolites, proteomics, genomics, protein expression and characterization by spectroscopic and calorimetric methods.
Research Intrest:
? Molecular Cancer Research and Epigenetics. ? Drug design, docking, molecular dynamics. ? Non-coding RNA (miRNA, pseudogenes) ? Prion. ? Investigating structure-function relationship of biological macromolecules with biochemical, biophysical, genetics and molecular biological methods. ? Recombinant DNA technology. ? Protein purification and characterisation.
E Shyam P Reddy , Ph.D
Professor and Director Morehouse School of Medicine, USA
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Dr E. Shyam Reddy, GCC Distinguished Cancer Scholar, ? Professor and Director?, Cancer Biology Program, Dept of OB/GYN, MEB C-307, Morehouse School of Medicine, 720 Westview Drive, ?Atlanta, Ga. Adjunct Professor, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University Adjunct Senior Scientist, Tumor Biology Program, UAB
Research Intrest:
Cancer Biology, Cellular and Molecular Biology

Shivani Agarwal , Ph.D
Research Assistant Professor, Hematology and Oncology Northwestern University, USA
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Ph.D in Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru University,Delhi, India 2004-2010 Thesis: Role of Translocated promoter region protein (Tpr) in transcriptional regulation of c-jun. Masters in Biochemistry, Delhi University,Delhi,India 2002-2004 Dissertations: (A) Cell Biology and (B) Molecular Biology Laboratories (A) Liposome mediated drug delivery of Ricin in Chinese hamster ovary cells (B) Cloning, expression ,purification and biochemical characterization of the monooxygenase gene (mymA) of M. tuberculosis H37Rv. Bachelors in Biochemistry, Delhi University, Delhi,India
Research Intrest:
Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology

Gamil Sayed Gamil Zeedan , PhD Virology
Professor, Virology Unit National Research Centre Cairo University, Egypt
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Prof. Dr. Gamil SG Zeedan PhD Virology, Cairo University Professor of Infectious Diseases Profile Contact PHONE: 00201145535240 WEBSITE: Website goes here EMAIL: [email protected] Hobbies EDUCATION Cairo University PhD Virology Cairo University MVSC Virology Cairo University BVSCs, WORK EXPERIENCE Professor of infectious diseases 2020 up to date, Professor of infectious diseases at National Research Centre Ministry of High Education, Associate Professor of infectious diseases 2016-2020 Associate Professor of infectious diseases at National Research Centre Ministry of High Education, Cairo Egypt. Assistant Professor of Microbiology 2013-2016 Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Head of Medical laboratory sciences at Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences ? Shaqra University- KSA. Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Virology Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Virology at Faculty of Medicine and Applied Medical Sciences ?Northern Border University (NBU)- KSA). Cairo University BVSCs, 1993 SKILLS ). He teaches different curriculums as Medical Microbiology and Virology, Diagnostic Microbiology, Clinical Microbiology and Clinical Immunology & Clinical Virology. Prof Zeedan is Speaker and Organized Committee member (OCM) in many international conferences, workshops, editorial board member and reviewer in many national and international journals. Prof Zeedan is a member and PI in different local and international projects. Research Experience: Experience in modern & classical Immuno-diagnostic Techniques as different type ELISA, IFAT, RIA, Dot ELISA, HI, CFT, AGPT, SPA agglutination test, SNT & Dot blot hybridization. Diagnosis of viruses by different Molecular techniques (different types of PCR). My research interest focuses on the Molecular and Epidemiological Studies of Viruses and Bacteria of Human and Animal Origin, with Special Interest of Antiviral and Antimicrobial Agents
Research Intrest:
My research interest focuses on the Molecular and Epidemiological Studies of Viruses and Bacteria of Human and Animal Origin, with Special Interest of Antiviral and Antimicrobial Agents.

Sarkhosh Seddighi Chaharborj , PhD
Associate Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics Carleton University, Canada
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Sarkhosh Seddighi Chaharborj received his B.Sc. degree in pure mathematics from Tabriz University in 1995 and Master degree in pure mathematics from Shiraz University in 2001. After finished his master degree, he was researcher at Nuclear Science Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI), Tehran, Iran. He start his PH.D. in 2007 at Universiti Putra Malaysai and he got his PH.D. in Applied Mathematics from this university in 2010. His was Post Doctoral researcher at Universiti Putra Malaysia from 2011 until 2015. His current statues is Post Doctoral Researcher at School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University, Ottawa, K1S 5B6, Canada.
Research Intrest:
Mathematical Modelling; Numerical Analysis; Numerical Modeling; Applied Mathematics; Mathematical Analysis; Heat Transfer and Heat Flow; Computational Mathematics; Ion Traps; Neural Network; Epidemic Modelling; Covid-19 Modelling

Lyudmila Gulyaeva , PhD, DB
Professor, Molecular Carcinogenesis Novosibirsk state university, Russia
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Dr. Lyudmila Gulyaeva, Ph.D., Doctor of Biology is currently a Professor of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Novosibirsk State University, head of the Molecular Carcinogenesis Laboratory of Federal Research Center ?Fundamental and Translational Medicine?, Novosibirsk, Russia. She got her Ph.D. in biochemistry in 1986 and Doctor Degree in 2000. Lyudmila Gulyaeva has spent most of her scientific carrier studying drug-metabolizing enzymes and their associations with cancer. A special interest of her research is the receptor-mediated mechanism of hormone-related cancer and the role of microRNA in the regulation of target genes. The results of her scientific activity were published in over 180 scientific papers.
Research Intrest:
Molecular Carcinogenesis, keywords: Xenobiotic metabolism; Nuclear receptors, Cytochrome P450; Regulation of gene expression; microRNA; Carcinogenesis; Signal transduction; Nuclear receptors; Estrogen-dependent human cancer; Lung cancer, Genetic polymorphism; Cancer predisposition.
Sarkhosh Seddighi Chaharborj , PhD
Associate Prof., School of Mathematics and Statistics Carleton University, Canada
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Sarkhosh Seddighi Chaharborj received his B.Sc. degree in pure mathematics from Tabriz University in 1995 and Master degree in pure mathematics from Shiraz University in 2001. After finished his master degree, he was researcher at Nuclear Science Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI), Tehran, Iran. He start his PH.D. in 2007 at Universiti Putra Malaysai and he got his PH.D. in Applied Mathematics from this university in 2010. His was Post Doctoral researcher at Universiti Putra Malaysia from 2011 until 2015. His current statues is Post Doctoral Researcher at School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University, Ottawa, K1S 5B6, Canada.
Research Intrest:
Mathematical Modelling; Numerical Analysis; Numerical Modeling; Applied Mathematics; Mathematical Analysis; Heat Transfer and Heat Flow; Computational Mathematics; Ion Traps; Neural Network; Epidemic Modelling; Covid-19 Modelling

Dr. Nikolaos Papanas , Ph.D
Professor, Internal Medicine-Diabetes Mellitus Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
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Professor Nikolaos Papanas is Professor in Internal Medicine-Diabetes Mellitus at Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. He is Head of the Diabetes Centre-Diabetic Foot Clinic of the Second Department of Internal Medicine at Democritus University of Thrace. He has been specialised in diabetes and its complications in the Diabetes Centre and the Diabetic Foot Clinic at King’s College Hospital, London, UK, as well as in the German Diabetes Centre at the Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany. He has established an ongoing collaboration with the neuropathy study group of the German Diabetes Centre in Düsseldorf. He has published more than 370 papers in peer-reviewed journals. He is the Editor-in-Chief of The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds. Moreover, he serves in the editorial board of other international journals (more than 90). He has been Guest Editor in 9 special issues of international journals. He has also participated with numerous presentations in Greek and European medical congresses and repeatedly served as invited reviewer in medical journals. He has been invited to deliver lectures in 9 foreign countries. He has served in the Executive Committee of the Hellenic Society for Angiology. Furthermore, he is currently a member in the Executive Committee of the Study Group on Diabetes and Nervous System of the German Diabetes Association (DDG). He is also Vice President of the Greek Society for the Study of the Diabetic Foot. He has served as Secretary General and as President of the Hellenic Diabetes Association (HDA). He is now the President of the ethics committee of HDA. Additionally, he is the President of the Diabetic Foot Study Group (DFSG, of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). He is Visiting Professor in the German Diabetes Centre, Düsseldorf. Finally, he is an honorary member of the Cypriot Diabetes Association and of the Hungarian Diabetes Association.
Research Intrest:
Diabetes mellitus, Diabetic complications, Diabetic foot, Diabetic neuropathy, Medical writing Vascular disease, Metabolic syndrome in OSAS and obesity

Baher Abd El-Khalik Effat , ph.D
Professor, Food & Dairy Microbiology Aalto University, National research Centre, Egypt
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Baher Effat is a Research Professor of Food and Dairy Microbiology, National Research Centre, Egypt. Over 36 years of experience in Food and Dairy Bacteriology, he shared and supervised over than 6 Master and Ph.D Thesis in Food and Dairy sciences and more than 65 scientific publications in food and dairy microbiology, functional dairy products , probiotics and propionic acid bacteria and pathogenic bacteria and in Food and Dairy Products. He has shared in national and international programs and projects. He joined many international conferences and workshop, in addition to scientific activities. In addition he awarded for CAS-TWAS Visiting Scholar Fellowship from 03 Aug., 2006 to 31 October 2006.Training of young researchers and lecturers on many science-related subjects; including courses for: Microbiological Analysis of Food, Control of Bacteria, Contamination during Food Process and Isolation and Identification of Microorganisms. He is a member of the Editorial Board of several international journals. He also served as a member of the Organizing Committee in International Congresses. - Member Who's Who in the World. - Member of Organizing Committee for 20th International Conference on Nutrition, Food Science and Technology. April 16-17, 2018, Dubai, UAE. - Member of Organizing Committee for 2nd International Probiotics, Nutrition & Microbiome Conference, October 10-12 , 2018 , Amsterdam , Netherlands. - Member of Organizing Committee for Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases Congress, January 25-26, 2019, Singapore. - Member of Organizing Committee for Food Technology Conference, October 24-25, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand. Research Interest Food and Dairy Microbiology , Functional Foods , Functional Dairy Products ,Probiotics ,Propionic acid bacteria ,Pathogenic bacteria in foods and dairy products.
Research Intrest:
Food & Dairy Microbiology
Othman Salim Hussein Alfleesy , MBBS(MD), Msc
Professor, Forensic Medicine University of Aden, Yemen
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Principle organizer, course director and lecturer in Forensic Medicine for undergraduate medical students at Faculty of Medicine Aden University. Forensic medicine specialist and associated prof. inforensic medicine at faculty of medicine, Aden university
Research Intrest:
Forensic Medicine and Health scinces
Mustafa TUNCSOY , PhD
Assistant lecturer, Biology Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey
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Dr. Mustafa TUNCSOY, University of Cukurova, Faculty of Science and Letters, Biology Department, 01330, Adana/TURKEY. Undergraduate Study: Çukurova University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Biology Department, Master Degree: Çukurova University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Biology Department, Doctorate: Algarve University, Science and Technology Faculty, CIMA
Research Intrest:
Heavy Metal Toxicology, Nanotoxicology, Ecotoxicology, Nanoecotoxicology, General Biology Laboratory Sitology Laboratory Basic Information Technology Limnology Laboratory Histology Laboratory Informatics

Mehmet Yaman , Ph.D
Professor, Science Faculty Firat University, Turkey
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Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yaman received his Ph.D. in 1990 from the University of Inonu, Malatya-Turkey. He was appointed as associated professor at University of Firat, Elazig-Turkey in 1995. Since 2002, he has been chaired Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Firat. Professor Yaman supervised and assisted more than forty students: 13 Ph.D. , 30 M.Sc.. Mehmet Yaman has a track record of more than 120 publications (corresponding author in most of them) in peer-reviewed scientific journals and more than 2500 citations (Factor H: 31). He is an invited speaker on international lectures and has given more than 130 talks for national and international conferences. Research Intrest:Prof. Yaman's research focused the preconcentration and determination of toxic trace elements in biological, environmental and food matrices as well as determination of trace organic compounds such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, PAHs and acrylamide in plants and grilled foodstuffs by using HPLC-MS. Professor Yaman has managed two national and five international conferences. A Brief CV (Curriculum Vitae)[with attachment]: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yaman has been chaired Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Firat-Turkey. Professor Yaman supervised and assisted more than forty students: 13 Ph.D., 30 M.Sc.. Mehmet Yaman has a track record of more than 120 publications indexed in SCI, and more than 2500 citations (Factor H: 31).
Research Intrest:
Prof. Yaman's research focused the preconcentration and determination of toxic trace elements in biological, environmental and food matrices as well as determination of trace organic compounds such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, PAHs and acrylamide in plants and grilled foodstuffs by using HPLC-MS.

Dr. Anjanapura V. Raghu , Ph.D
Professor, Department of Chemistry Jain University, India
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Dr. Anjanapura V. Raghu, Professor, Department of Chemistry, JAIN Deemed-to-be University, India
Research Intrest:
Development of novel polymeric nano materials for Super-capacitor, Photo-catalytic, Fuel Cell, Battery Storage & Separation Applications, Energy & Environment Management, Water Treatment, Polymeric Drug Delivery System, Food & Microbial Chemistry, Solar Energy, Micro Electronic Device, etc
Tadesse Mehari , Ph.D
Professor National Commission for Higher Education (NCHE), University of Asmara, Eritrea
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Tadesse Mehari done his PhD (2000) Biotechnology/Plant Tissue Culture Wageningen University and Research Center (WUR), Wageningen, the Netherlands. MSc (1988) Microbiology Addis Ababa University (AAU), Ethiopia. BSc Biology
Research Intrest:
Biotechnology/Biomedical Sciences
Nawar Jasim Alsalih , Ph.D
Professor, Bacteriology and Virology Al-Muthanna University, Veterinary college , Iraq
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I graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad, and worked at the Veterinary Hospital in Babil Governorate for a full year as a resident physician, and participated in many vaccination and treatment campaigns until 2005. I started my postgraduate studies (masters of science) in the Department of Microbiology - College of Medicine - University of Baghdad on the importance of medicinal fungi and the role of plant extracts in treating them. I finished my masters thesis and defended it in July 2008. Bacteriology, Virology , Diagnostic Bacteriology, Immunology courses. Delivered several lectures for Bacteriology and Virology. I began my doctoral studies in microbiology - Faculty of Medicine - Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia on the importance of medical viruses, especially hepatitis viruses, in people immigrating to Russia, and several researches have been published in this field.
Research Intrest:
Microbiology, Virology, Immunology

karan veer , PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, India
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Karan Veer received PhD in Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering from Thapar University, Patiala (India) in the year of 2015. He was a recipient of Postdoctoral Fellowship (Dr. D S Kothari Postdoctoral Fellowship) instituted by University Grant Commission (UGC) of Govt. of India in the year of 2016 and carried out his research work at Panjab University, Chandigarh; and recipient of Research Associateship (RA) instituted by ICMR of Govt. of India in 2018. Dr. Veer has published more than 50 peer reviewed research papers (with SCI Journals) in different international journals of repute with good impact factors and 02 research books on ?EMG classification / prosthetic devices? along with 04 book chapters also goes to his credit. Few refereed papers along with book chapters related to COVID19 pandemic also go to his credit. At present he is working as Assistant Professor in Instrumentation and Control Engineering Department at Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology (NIT), Jalandhar, India. His current areas of research include Biomedical Instrumentation, signal processing, statistical applications, prosthetic devices and soft computing. He is also serving as Editorial board member in different international journals of repute (namely: International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications, Control and Current Signal Transduction Therapy, International Journal on Emerging Technologies and many others also).
Research Intrest:
His current areas of research include Biomedical Instrumentation, signal processing, statistical applications, prosthetic devices and soft computing.

Rasha Adam Omer , PhD
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NAME: Rasha Adam Omer Abdalla Contact: Khartoum, Sudan. Biotechnology and Biosaftey Research Center. Agricultural Research Corporation. Tel: +249990432551 Email: [email protected] PERSONAL INFORMATION NATIONALITY: Sudanese DATE OF BIRTH: 15th August 1977 GENDER: Female MARITAL STATUS: Married with two children LANGUAGE SKILLS: Fluent English and fluent Arabic EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND August 2014- July 2015: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Biosciences in the east and central Africa. ABCF fellowship on transformation of sweet sorghum via agrobacterium. 2009-2013: Kenyatta University Attained PhD degree in plant biotechnology (Genetic Engineering) in the department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2005-2007 Kenyatta University Attained Master of Science (MSc) degree in Biotechnology (in genetic engineering of Sudanese maize), School of pure and applied sciences, Biochemistry and Biotechnology Department. Khartoum University 1997-2002: BSc a First class (Honours) in Agricultural biotechnology, University of Khartoum, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Botany and Agricultural Biotechnology. WORK EXPERIENCE 2002-2003: Part-time teaching assistant, University of Khartoum, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Botany and Agricultural Biotechnology, Khartoum, Sudan. 2003-2008: Research assistant at in biotechnology laboratory at agricultural research corporation in Wad Medani, Sudan. 2008-2013 Researcher scientists at in biotechnology and biosafety research center at agricultural research corporation in Wad Medani, Sudan. 2009-2014 National coordinators for ASARECA project in Sudan (Genetic engineering of maize for drought tolerance in Eastern and Central Africa). 2014-To date Research assistant professor at in biotechnology and biosafety research center at agricultural research corporation in Khartoum, Sudan. May 2014-July2014 Acting Director of biotechnology and biosafety research center, Khartoum, Sudan. March 2018- December 2018 Deputy Director of biotechnology and biosafety research center, Khartoum, Sudan. SKILLS My skills are generally in management of research projects and teaching. Specifically, my areas of expertise and interest include: 1. Gene Isolation and cloning and vector development ? Isolation and cloning Annexinp35 gene from maize, striga and A. flavus genes. ? Development of gene constructs using restriction digestion and ligation methods for use in enhancements of abiotic stress tolerance in maize. 2. Cloning using PCR pasting and Gateway platforms ? Development of gene constructs using restriction digestion and ligation methods for use in enhancements of abiotic stress tolerance in maize. ? Development of stacked gene constructs using PCR pasting and gateway methods for use in management of aflatoxins in maize. 3. Teaching skills ? Guided graduate and undergraduate students in setting up and management of tissue culture and genetic transformation experiments during my research assistantships. ? Postgraduate demonstrator: Since 2009, I have prepared and supervised course practical sessions on tissue culture and genetic engineering for BSc and MSc graduate students. 4. Other skills ? DNA sequence manipulation: extensive experience with vector NTI ? Statistical software ? Writing and presenting reports ? Language skills: English and Arabic ? Primer design ? Sequence alignments Main project involve in: - Screening of Sudanese cotton genotypes for salinity tolerance - Anther culture of wheat - GMOs Detection - Breeding programmes in Sorghum, Maize, Wheat and Cotton. - Evaluation of Sudanese maize genotypes to drought under field condition. Capacity buildings 2004-up todate: Training technicians and scientists from Agricultural research corporation on molecular biology. JUNE 2013: Resource person and trainer at the workshop of CAPICTATE, 'hands-on' training in molecular techniques for plant breeding, including DNA extraction, PCR and analysis of different types of molecular markers. Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya. APRIL 2013: Resource person and trainer at the international workshop on ?CAPACETAT) Nairobi, Kenya. August 2018: Main organizers and trainer at the worksop on basic of molecular marker, Biotechnology and biosaftey research center ARC, Khartoum, Sudan. Responsibilities: 1. Molecular biology work. 2. Breeding programmes in Sorghum, Maize, Wheat and Cotton. 3. Preparing and supervising course work practical sessions in plant tissue culture and molecular biology techniques both for undergraduates (B.Sc) and postgraduate (M.Sc) students in the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology at Kenyatta University. 4. Part of Dr. Amos Alakonya research group from Institute of Biotechnology Research (IBR), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and technology, Kenya. Working on the use of RNAi in the management of aflatoxin and striga in maize. Specifically, I am involved in isolation and cloning of striga genes involved in infection of maize. I am also involved in isolation and cloning of genes to enable development of aflatoxin-free transgenic maize and groundnuts. Practical sessions supervised ? Oct,2012 Fundamentals of Biotechnology (SBC220): Taught on ?Agrobacterium- mediated Transformation of tobacco with gus gene using leaf discs as explants? ? Feb, 2012 Plant Cell and Tissue culture (SBC535): Taught on ?Regeneration of plants from Tobacco leaf discs via organogenesis? ? Oct,2011 Fundamentals of Biotechnology (SBC220): Taught on ?Agrobacterium- mediated Transformation of tobacco with gus gene using leaf discs as explants? ? Nov,2010 Introduction to Biotechnology (SBC 439): Taught on ?Regeneration of Maize plants via somatic embryogenesis? ? 2009 Plant molecular Biology (SBC 322): Taught on ?Screening of tobacco plants for presence of NPTII transgene? PRACTICAL TRAINING ? Introductory course to business incubation and innovation management level 1A, 24-26th November 2020, online course. ? Training workshop on Agriculture Innovation System and Value Chain Development, 15-19th September 2014, BecA-ILRI Hub, Nairobi, Kenya. ? Capacity building training trip to University of California Davis March 2012, USA. ? Course Special topics in biosafety training: insects, vaccines and stress-tolerant plants 16?20 August 2011, Science Park, Troms
Research Intrest:
Gordana Blagojevic Zagorac , PhD
Prof., Department of Physiology, Immunology and Pathophysiology University of Rijeka, Croatia
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Gordana Blagojevic Zagorac is an associate professor at the Department of Physiology and Immunology in the Medical Faculty, University of Rijeka, where she obtained her PhD degree in Biomedicine in 2010. She has 18 years working experience in the field of cellular physiology and virology research. Currently, the focus of her research is the remodulation of cellular endosomal compartments during murine cytomegalovirus infection by which viruses can escape from the immune system of the host. G. Blagojevic Zagorac participated in realization of several scientific projects, first as a young research fellow and now as a principal investigator. She is currently team leader of two scientific projects founded by Croatian scientific foundation ("Role of Arf GTPases in pathogenesis of MCMV infection"; HRZZ 2020-2-1323) and University of Rijeka (UNIRI-biomed-18-229). She has presented her work in numerous international conferences and has published 21 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals. She is presently a mentor of one PhD student. She is a skilled in planning, development and execution of high impact research in biomedical science. She is a member of several associations related to her research field.
Research Intrest:
Cellular physiology, virology research, Physiology and Immunology

Elias Ebrahimzadeh , PhD
Professor, Biomedical Engineering University of Tehran, Iran
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Elias Ebrahimzadeh was born in Tehran in 1984 and obtained his mathematics and physics diploma under the supervision of NODET (National Organization for Developing Exceptional Talent) in Tehran in 2003. He has received the B.Sc. Degree in Electronic Engineering in 2008, Tehran, and the M.Sc. Degree in Biomedical Engineering, Tehran, in 2011. He succeeds in Ranked 1st Admitted Ph.D. of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Tehran, 2014 and consequently, obtained Ranked 2nd among more than 1,000 Electrical Engineering students in the nationwide university entrance exam for a Ph.D. degree, 2014. He is a graduate Ph.D. of Biomedical Engineering, from the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (2019).During his Ph.D., his primary focus was on the localization of the epileptic foci using simultaneous EEG-fMRI recording in patients with epilepsy. Specifically, he developed a novel approach based on the ICA theory for this purpose. To enhance knowledge and experience and get ready to accomplish high-quality research, he joined a research team at the University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, working on the same field as his Ph.D. thesis for his sabbatical as a scholar Ph.D. researcher. His research interest includes biomedical signal processing, artificial neural network, statistical pattern recognition, system identification, bioelectromagnetic, machine learning, and image processing. After his Ph.D. defense (2019 Sep.), he received a fully-funded postdoctoral position at the OAKLAND UNIVERSITY, Detroit, Michigan from the US in the field of NMR. He is currently working on localization of activity epilepsy focal through simultaneous EEG-fMRI recording in epilepsy patients at the IPM as a post-doc researcher. He has authored or coauthored more than 40 publications in international journals.
Research Intrest:
Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Analysis, Biomedical Signal Processing, Artificial Neural Network, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Machine Learning, System Identification
Invitation to the New Editorial Board Members
We cordially welcome you as a member of Editorial Board in the journal "International Journal of Biomedical Science and Research"
The Journal is always in search of people who are dedicated to the spread of new knowldge. Editorial Board members serve the journal by giving their thoughts on the directions the journal should take, appropriate content, and publication standards.
Eligibility for becoming a member of Editorial Board:
- PhD / proven experience in the current and developing science area.
- Must have at least 10 years of experience in specific area of science after earning the Master's degree.
Responsibilities of the member of Editorial Board:
- Distributing the calls for papers in your group/department, and assigning a few papers for reviewing for each Journal issue.
- Promoting "International Journal of Biomedical Science and Research" in the areas of your professional influence and interest.
- Sharing ideas and knowledge with "International Journal of Biomedical Science and Research".
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Research Intrest:
A Brief CV (Curriculum Vitae)[with attachment]: