Journal of Natural Science and Exploration

Journal of Natural Science and Exploration

Instructions for Authors

The Journal of Natural Science and Exploration welcomes the submission of original research articles, reviews, and case studies that align with the scope of the journal. To ensure a smooth and efficient submission process, authors are required to adhere to the following guidelines.

Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the journal’s online submission system. All submitted manuscripts must be in Microsoft Word format. Authors should ensure that their manuscript follows the formatting guidelines outlined below before submitting.

Cover Letter

A cover letter should accompany the submission, outlining the importance of the research, its contribution to the field, and why it is relevant to the Journal of Natural Science and Exploration. The cover letter should also confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted elsewhere and that all authors have approved the final version of the manuscript.

Article Types

The journal accepts the following types of manuscripts:

  • Research Articles: Comprehensive original research studies presenting novel findings in natural sciences.
  • Review Articles: Systematic reviews or critical analyses of existing literature that highlight significant trends or summarize advancements in a particular field.
  • Case Studies: Reports on unique or significant cases in natural science research, particularly those with implications for future studies.
  • Short Communications: Brief reports on preliminary findings or new methodologies that contribute to natural science research.

Manuscript Structure

Manuscripts should be organized in the following order:

  • Title Page: The title of the article, author names, affiliations, and corresponding author’s contact details.
  • Abstract: A structured abstract (150-250 words) summarizing the study’s objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
  • Keywords: Provide 5-10 keywords that best describe the content of the manuscript.
  • Introduction: Introduce the research topic, objectives, and significance of the study, including background information.
  • Materials and Methods: Describe the methodology used in the research, including study design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques.
  • Results: Present the study’s findings, supported by tables, figures, or other forms of data representation.
  • Discussion: Discuss the implications of the results, compare with existing literature, and highlight potential applications.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the key findings and propose directions for future research.
  • References: Cite references in APA style, ensuring that all citations are properly formatted.

Review and Publication Process

All manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer-review process. Authors will receive feedback within four weeks of submission. Revisions may be requested based on the reviewers’ comments, and final acceptance is contingent upon satisfactory revisions.

Copyright and Open Access

Upon acceptance, authors transfer copyright to the Journal of Natural Science and Exploration. Articles are published under an open-access model, ensuring that all research is freely accessible to the global scientific community.

Publication Fees

A processing fee of $1019 is required upon acceptance of the article. Authors who are unable to pay the fee may apply for a fee waiver or partial reduction by providing justification.

Ethical Considerations

Authors are expected to comply with ethical standards regarding research involving human or animal subjects. Any conflicts of interest must be disclosed in the manuscript.

For Further Inquiries

For any inquiries related to manuscript submission, please contact the editorial office at [email protected]