Public Health and Epidemiology: Open Access

Instructions for Authors
Public Health and Epidemiology: Open Access welcomes high-quality submissions that align with the journal’s scope. Authors are encouraged to submit original research articles, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, case studies, policy analyses, and opinion pieces that contribute to the field of public health and epidemiology. Please follow the submission guidelines and manuscript preparation instructions to ensure a smooth review and publication process.
Manuscript Submission:
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the journal’s online submission portal.
A cover letter must accompany the manuscript, outlining the significance of the work, confirming that the manuscript is original, and that it has not been submitted elsewhere for consideration.
All co-authors must approve the final manuscript prior to submission.
Submissions should be in Microsoft Word format. Please ensure that the manuscript is prepared in accordance with the formatting guidelines outlined below.
Authors are required to provide their ORCID ID during the submission process.
Manuscript Structure:
Title Page:
- Title of the manuscript (concise and descriptive).
- Full names, affiliations, and contact information of all authors.
- Corresponding author details with email and phone number.
- A structured abstract (150-250 words) summarizing the key objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
- The abstract should be informative, concise, and free of references.
- A list of 5-10 relevant keywords that capture the main themes of the article.
Main Text:
Introduction: Provide background information, research objectives, and the significance of the study.
Materials and Methods: Include a clear description of the study design, participants, data collection, and statistical analysis.
Results: Present key findings with tables and figures. Ensure the results are clear, concise, and well-supported by evidence.
Discussion: Interpret the findings, compare with existing research, and discuss implications for public health practice.
Conclusion: Provide a summary of key findings and suggestions for future research or practice.
References must be formatted according to APA citation style. In-text citations and references should follow the APA format for journal articles, books, and other sources.
Figures and Tables:
Figures and tables should be clearly labeled and cited within the manuscript. Ensure that all images are high quality and are provided in an editable format (JPEG, TIFF, or PNG).
Acknowledgments: Acknowledge any funding sources, contributions from individuals not listed as authors, and relevant conflicts of interest.
Ethical Considerations:
Authors must adhere to ethical standards in research and publication. This includes obtaining appropriate ethical approval for studies involving human participants or animals, and ensuring informed consent where applicable.
Any potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed at the time of submission.
Peer Review Process:
- All submitted manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review process. The journal’s editorial board evaluates the manuscript based on scientific rigor, relevance, and clarity.
- Authors will typically receive initial feedback within four weeks of submission. Manuscripts may be accepted, rejected, or returned for revisions.
- Authors must revise and resubmit manuscripts within the timeframes specified by the reviewers to facilitate the acceptance process.
Copyright and Open Access: Upon acceptance, authors transfer copyright of the manuscript to Public Health and Epidemiology: Open Access. The article will be published under an open-access model, ensuring free access for readers worldwide.
Publication Fees:
A processing fee of $1019 is required upon acceptance of the manuscript. Authors may request a fee waiver or partial reduction if financial constraints exist.
For any queries related to submission or the editorial process, please contact the editorial office at: [email protected]