Research Journal of Cell Sciences

Instructions for Authors
The Research Journal of Cell Sciences welcomes the submission of original research articles, systematic reviews, short communications, and case studies that align with the journal’s aim and scope. All submitted manuscripts should adhere to the following guidelines to ensure smooth processing and timely publication.
Manuscript Submission:
Submission Format: Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format via the journal's online submission system. All figures, tables, and supplementary files should be included as part of the submission, with figures in high-resolution formats (e.g., .TIFF, .JPEG).
Cover Letter: A cover letter is required for each manuscript submission. The cover letter should briefly explain the significance of the manuscript and its relevance to the journal's scope. It must also confirm that the manuscript is not under consideration elsewhere and has not been previously published.
Manuscript Structure: Manuscripts should be organized as follows:
- Title Page: The title page should include the title of the manuscript, authors’ names, affiliations, and corresponding author contact details (email and phone number).
- Abstract: The abstract should be between 150-250 words and must be structured to include the objective of the study, methods, key findings, and the significance of the research.
- Keywords: Authors must provide 4-6 relevant keywords that will help in indexing and searching the article.
- Main Body: The main body of the article should include the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.
- References: References must be formatted according to the APA citation style. Authors should cite only relevant and up-to-date literature.
Tables and Figures: All tables and figures must be numbered and cited in the main text. Tables should be placed at the end of the manuscript after the references section. Each figure should be accompanied by a legend. For clarity, each table and figure should have a concise title.
Ethics Statement: If applicable, authors must include an ethics statement confirming that the research was conducted in accordance with ethical standards. Studies involving human participants or animals must include statements regarding approval by an institutional review board or ethics committee.
Conflicts of Interest: Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, including financial interests or personal relationships that could influence the research findings.
Review Process:
Peer Review: All submitted manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer-review process. The journal employs independent experts in the field of cell sciences to review each manuscript for its scientific quality, originality, and relevance. Authors will receive feedback within four to six weeks, and revisions may be requested.
Revisions: Authors are required to submit a revised version of their manuscript, addressing all reviewer comments, within two weeks of receiving the feedback. The revised manuscript should be accompanied by a point-by-point response to the reviewers’ comments.
Final Decision: The final decision on whether a manuscript is accepted or rejected is made by the editorial board, based on the reviewers’ recommendations and the manuscript’s overall contribution to the field.
Copyright and Open Access: Upon acceptance, authors will be required to transfer copyright of the manuscript to the journal. All articles will be published under an open-access model, allowing free and unrestricted access to the content for researchers, students, and professionals worldwide.
Publication Fees: A publication fee of $1,500 applies to all accepted articles. Authors who face financial constraints may apply for a waiver or reduction in the publication fee by submitting a request to the editorial office.
Submission Inquiries: For any questions regarding the submission process, manuscript preparation, or publication fees, authors may contact the editorial office at the following email: [email protected]