Article submission:
To reduce delays, authors should follow the journals standard and format at every step of processing. The articles submitted should contain an abstract or summary of about 300 words apart from the main text. The summary should brief about the purpose of the study, methodology adopted and crisp highlights of the major findings.
Article types:
International Prime Publications accepts submissions such as research articles, review articles, abstracts, book reviews, short communications, letters to the editor, conference proceedings, case-reports, clinical images, corrections, discussions, product reviews, hypotheses and analyses.
Guidelines for Article Preparation:
Research articles:
A research article should include:
Cover letter: The articles must always be accompanied by a cover letter, stating the type of the article and that the article submitted is neither published nor is under consideration by any other journal. It should also have a statement of the main point of the article. Names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of five potential referees can be mentioned.
Title: The word limit of the title should not exceed 15 words. Title should be a proper description and relevant to the work provided. Font has to be set to Times New Roman Bold, Title case along with author names with corresponding author marked.
Abstract: Abstract should describe the main objectives of the study. It should be able to list out all the work briefly. Significance and the results of the study need to be precised briefly. Abstract ‘word limit’ should be limited to 300 words. Abstracts should be free of citations.
Keywords: The major keywords used in the study need to be mentioned. Keywords limit is not more than 7-10 words.
Abbreviations: If any abbreviations are used in the study, their first usage has to be mentioned in full form along with the usage abbreviation in brackets. If there are too many abbreviations they have to be mentioned below the keywords.
Introduction: Introduction should be able to provide the background of the study. It should also provide comprehensive insight on the purpose of the study and its significance. Introduction needs to be descriptive and citations need to be provided.
Materials and Methods: Particular details and/or practices for new approaches have to be mentioned. For the used protocols the proper citations have to be mentioned. Results have to be unique and not copied from any other sources. This section should present enough detail to permit researchers to fully replicate your study. We recommend authors to put forward detailed protocols for less well-established methods.
Results and Discussion: This section might be further divided in subdivisions. Results and discussions must be providing the results. Illustrate the results of the experiments, the interpretation of these results, and the conclusions.
Conclusion: Authors should elucidate how the results communicate to the theory presented as the basis of the study and provide a concise explanation of the allegation of the findings.
Figures and Figure Legends: Submission of Figures must be only in high-resolution TIFF, and JPEG formats. If you have designed images with separate components on different layers, kindly submit us the Photoshop files. Use Arabic numerals to classify figures and upper-case letters for their parts and should be in parentheses (Figure 1). Figures legends should be in numerical order on a separate document. Information given in legends should not be repeated in the body.
Tables: We strongly support authors to submit tables in .doc format. Each and every table should be in a separate page and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and supplied with a legend. Tables should be self-explanatory without reference to the body. Cells can be copied from an Excel sheet and pasted into a word document, should not embed the Excel files as objects.
Note: PDF format of the article should be requested to submit in a doc format, in order to help in the completion of procedure successfully.
Equations (OR) Formulae: Please use Math type for equations.
Supplementary Material: Figures/Summary diagram included as part of the Supplementary Information (if any). All Supplementary Information is supplied as a single PDF file, where possible. File size within the permitted limits for Supplementary Information.
Acknowledgement: Authors need to provide the funding details and the grant numbers if any. They might acknowledge their supported work.
- Conflicts of interest
Review articles:
- Review articles are written based on the secondary data within the scope of the journal.
- Review articles should consist of a brief abstract of about 300 words and few key words.
- Introduction along with analytical discussion and supporting tables, graphs, pictures and illustrations gives a great impact for the readers.
- A conclusion is included which summarizes the topic.
- Necessary citation is provided for all the statements or observations in the review articles
Case studies:
- Case studies are accepted with a view to adding additional research-related information advancing in specific fields.
- The main content submitted should be added value by providing key insights into the core area. Case reports need to be brief and follow a clear format such as Cases and Methods Section, discussion section analyzing the case, and a Conclusion section summarizing the case as a whole.
- Editorials are the precise commentaries submitted by Editors on a current research with the scope of the journals.
Clinical images:
- Clinical Images are the pictorial depictions of a particular topic and it should not exceed more than 5 figures with a brief description.
- References and citations are generally not required but only three references can be allowed if necessary.
- Separate figure legends are not required to clinical images as the entire description for clinical image the figure legend.
Book reviews:
- A book review includes a brief introduction to the authors along with the author\'s title and place of work.
- A description about author approaches to the topic and the logic of the argument.
- A comparison with earlier or similar books in the field.
Short communications:
- Short Communications are limited to word count of 3000 words and are not subdivided into headings.
- The article should contain an abstract, main body and references. The abstract can be limited to 100 words.
Letter to editors:
- Letters to the editor are limited to the commentaries on previously published articles.
- It should include concise and brief reports of cases or research findings. There is no specific format for these types of articles.
International Prime Publications use Vancouver referencing style. Authors should provide at least one online link in the references as following (preferably PubMed). Correct formatting of the references is important. Please use the following method for the reference list.
Reference Format: Author(s) Last name. Article title. Journal Name (Journal Short Name as in PubMed) Published year; Volume number: Page numbers.
Books Format:
Name of the author: Title of the book. Name of the chapter. Volume no. Edition. Edited by XXXX. Name of the city: Place; Year: Page numbers.
- Book Chapters: Schnepf E: From prey via endosymbiont to plastids: comparative studies in dinoflagellates. In Origins of Plastids. Volume 2. 2nd edition. Edited by Lewin RA. New York: Chapman and Hall; 1993:53-76.
- Complete Book: Margulis L: Origin of Eukaryotic Cells. New Haven: Yale University Press; 1970.
Conference Proceedings Format:
Name of the author (Edition): Name of the conference: Date From –To Month Year; City. Place; Year.
Example: Smith Y (Ed): Proceedings of the First National Conference on Porous Sieves: 27-30 June 1996; Baltimore. Stoneham: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1996.
Thesis Format:
Name of the author: Title. Degree thesis. Name of the University, Name of the Department; Year.
Example: Kohavi R: Wrappers for performance enhancement and oblivious decision graphs. PhD thesis. Stanford University, Computer Science Department; 1995.
Journal Format:
Name of the authors: Title. Journal short name Year, Volume (Issue): Page numbers.
Example: Ponder B, Johnston S, Chodosh L. Innovative oncology. In Breast Cancer Res 1998, 10:1-72.
In Press Article:
Name of the authors: Title. Journal short name, in press.
Article Publication Charges (APC)
A journal has a set of process in publishing a manuscript. It involves, Editor assessment and decision making, proof reading, peer review, online publishing with high quality PDF and HTML and Indexing. Article Publicatin Charges differs from journal to journal. Kindly go through the respective journal page for APC.
Copyright aims to protect the specific description or content of a research and results of the article. International Prime Publications is committed to protect and defend the work and reputation of the authors and takes very seriously allegations of infringement, plagiarism, ethical disputes and fraud. If an author becomes aware of a potential plagiarism, fraud or infringement, we recommend to contact us immediately.
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