Animal Science is concerned with the science and business of producing domestic livestock species, including but not limited to beef cattle, dairy cattle, horses, poultry, sheep, and swine. An animal scientist applies principles of the biological, physical, and social sciences to the problems associated with livestock production and management. Animal Science is also concerned with foods of animal origin: meat, dairy foods, and eggs. The food industry is one of the largest and most important industries in the United States. In addition, animal science is concerned with aspects of companion animals, including their nutrition, care, and welfare.If you are interested in efficient production of food animals, processing and consumption of high-quality meats and dairy products, use of companion animals for recreation or leisure purposes, or the maintenance of animal health and well-being, then a career in one of the many animal sciences fields may be your key to a rewarding future. Professional education and training in the animal sciences can prepare you for challenging career opportunities in such areas as animal production, breeding, health maintenance and disease control, marketing, processing, distribution, and numerous allied service industries. Additionally, it is a convenient major for biologists interested in animals and an eventual career after veterinary, medical, dental, or graduate school.

Last Updated on: Jan 22, 2025

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