Criminal law is the body of law that relates to crime. It proscribes conduct perceived as threatening, harmful, or otherwise endangering to the property, health, safety, and moral welfare of people inclusive of one's self. Most criminal law is established by statute, which is to say that the laws are enacted by a legislature. Criminal law includes the punishment and rehabilitation of people who violate such laws. Criminal law varies according to jurisdiction, and differs from civil law, where emphasis is more on dispute resolution and victim compensation, rather than on punishment or rehabilitation. Criminal procedure is a formalized official activity that authenticates the fact of commission of a crime and authorizes punitive or rehabilitative treatment of the offender. The interests of criminologists include the study of nature of crime and criminals, origins of criminal law, etiology of crime, social reaction to crime, and the functioning of law enforcement agencies and the penal institutions. It can be broadly said that criminology directs its enquiries along three lines: first, it investigates the nature of criminal law and its administration and conditions under which it develops, second, it analyses the causation of crime and the personality of criminals; and third, it studies the control of crime and the rehabilitation of offenders. Thus, criminology includes within its scope the activities of legislative bodies, law-enforcement agencies, judicial institutions, correctional institutions and educational, private and public social agencies.
Last Updated on: Jan 08, 2025List of Open Access Journals View More
Department of Electrical Engineering: Current Research
DEECR welcomes authors to contribute current research and reports, Experimental studies, Review articles, Short communication, Editorial, Letter to Editor, Survey Reports submission of manuscripts related to Signal Processing, Material Science, Microelectronics, Electronic materials, Power System Protection, DC Power Converter, C Power Converter, Electrophysics and its applications, Electromagnetism, etc....View More
Review of Cell Science Journal
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Journal of Medical Sciences and Health Care Research
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International Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
IJBTE is a scholarly open access peer-reviewed journal aim to publish be valuable source of information both experimental and theoretical in field of Tissue science, Health science, Regenerative medicine, Engineering and use of devices and biomaterial for disease diagnosis in biological system....View More
Health and Preventive Medicine Journal
Health and Preventive Medicine Journal (HPMJ) is a scholarly open access peer-reviewed journal aim to publish be valuable source of information both experimental and theoretical in field of Health science, Epidemiology, Health management and Preventive medicine...View More