Danger (also risk or peril) is the possibility of something bad happening. A situation during which there's a risk of something bad happening is named dangerous, risky, or perilous. People often take risks or do things that may hurt them. An example of this is often crossing the road without looking carefully. There is a risk that you simply might get hit by a car. Anything that involves a risk of injury or to health is often described as dangerous. Smoking is dangerous to health. Being around some animals is dangerous because they could attack humans. There are a couple of alternative ways that danger is often quantified - put into numbers. Probability, Risk and prevalence and Risk assessment

Last Updated on: Dec 27, 2024

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Clinical Trials and Medical Case Reports

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Journal of Cardiology Research and Endovascular Therapy

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Nanomedicine and Nanoscience Technology: Open Access

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Dermatology Case Reports: Open Access Journal

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