Drug therapy, also called pharmacotherapy, is a general term for using medication to treat disease. Drugs interact with receptors or enzymes in cells to promote healthy functioning and reduce or cure illness. Medications are heavily researched and tested before being prescribed to patients, but may have unanticipated effects when combined with certain foods, herbal remedies or other drugs.

The method of administration for drug therapy varies depending on the patient and the condition being treated. Medications may be taken orally in pill, capsule or liquid form, or may be injected into the tissues or muscles.

Drug therapy has clear benefits. Medication can cure many conditions, such as certain infections and diseases, and can dramatically improve symptoms of a wide range of problems. Patients should speak with their physician or health care provider to determine whether medication is right for them.

AGEs accumulate naturally as you age and are created when certain foods are cooked at high temperatures.

Last Updated on: Dec 22, 2024

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