Endothelial stem cells are one of three types of stem cells found in bone marrow. They are multipotent which describes the ability to give rise to many cell types whereas a pluripotent stem cell can give rise to all types. ESCs have the characteristic properties of a stem cell: self-renewal and differentiation. These parent stem cells, ESCs give rise to progenitor cells which are intermediate stem cells that lose potency. Progenitor stem cells are committed to differentiating along a particular cell developmental pathway. ESCs will eventually produce endothelial cells (ECs) which create the thin-walled endothelium that lines the inner surface of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. The lymphatic vessels include things such as arteries and veins. Endothelial cells can be found throughout the whole vascular system and they also play a vital role in the movement of white blood cells.

Last Updated on: Oct 06, 2024

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