Environmental science, interdisciplinary academic field that draws on ecology, geology, meteorology, biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics to study environmental problems and human impacts on the environment. Environmental science is a quantitative discipline with both applied and theoretical aspects and has been influential in informing the policies of governments around the world. Environmental science is considered separate from environmental studies, which emphasizes the human relationship with the environment and the social and political dimensions thereof. For example, whereas a researcher in environmental studies might focus on the economic and political dimensions of international climate-change protocols, an environmental scientist would seek to understand climate change by quantifying its effects with models and evaluating means of mitigation.
Last Updated on: Jan 08, 2025List of Open Access Journals View More
International Journal of Catalysis and Chemical Engineering
International Journal of Catalysis and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE) is a scholarly open access per-reviewed journal aim to publish be valuable source of information in field of Chemical Engineering, Catalysis, Catalytic Materials & Mechanisms, Nanocatalysis....View More
Journal of Environmental and Pollution
JEP is a scholarly open access peer-reviewed journal aim to publish be valuable source of information both experimental and theoretical in the field of environmental issues and Pollution and its applications...View More
Journal of Rehabilitation Research Current Updates
JRRCU publishes original, current research, clinical studies, novel methods, advancing concepts on Orthopaedics, Geriatric, Trauma, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, Palliative care, psychology, etc....View More
Endocrinology and Endocrine System
Endocrinology and Endocrine System is an Open Access journal which aims to develop knowledge and to share the information freely by making them available through online without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide and also to the readers globally...View More
Department of Electrical Engineering: Current Research
DEECR welcomes authors to contribute current research and reports, Experimental studies, Review articles, Short communication, Editorial, Letter to Editor, Survey Reports submission of manuscripts related to Signal Processing, Material Science, Microelectronics, Electronic materials, Power System Protection, DC Power Converter, C Power Converter, Electrophysics and its applications, Electromagnetism, etc....View More