This is a Randomized prospective study (Non-funded) to know the

efficacy of low molecular weight heparin versus oral anti – coagulant

in Indian population for prevention of deep vein thrombosis in total

knee replacement. Inclusion criteria were age greater than 18 years,

surgery under any anesthesia, patient undergoing TKR, Indian origin.

Exclusion criteria were head injury, abdominal injury, poly trauma,

history of deep vein thrombosis, indwelling epidural catheter.

Total number of patients included in the study was 100. 50

patients were started on enoxaparin and 50 patients were stared on

oral anti-coagulant (25 patients were given dabigatran etexalate and 25

patients were given apixaban). Enoxaparin was given 12 hours prior

to the surgery whereas oral anticoagulant was started post operatively.

Dabigatran etexalate was started 6-8 hours after surgery and apixaban

was started 12-24 hours after surgery. Enoxaparin was given at a dose

of 40mg subcutaneously once daily. Dabigatran etexalate 110 mg stat

is given as first dose 6-8 hours after surgery then 220mg orally once

daily. Apixaban was given at dose of 2.5mg orally twice daily. In our

study detailed history of all the patients was taken and all the patients

were evaluated clinically every day for deep vein thrombosis during

the stay in hospital. 

Last Updated on: Oct 06, 2024

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