A neonate is also called a newborn. The neonatal period is the first 4 weeks of a child's life. It is a time when changes are very rapid. Many critical events can occur in this period:
Feeding patterns are established. Bonding between parents and infant begin. The risk for infections that may become more serious are higher. Immediately at delivery, the neonate’s respiratory effort, heart rate, color, tone, and reflex irritability should be assessed; all are key components of the Apgar score assigned at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth (see Table: Apgar Score). Apgar scores between 8 and 10 indicate that the neonate is making a smooth transition to extrauterine life; scores ≤ 7 at 5 minutes (particularly if sustained beyond 10 minutes) are linked to higher neonatal morbidity and mortality rates. Many normal neonates have cyanosis 1 minute after birth that clears by 5 minutes. Cyanosis that does not clear may indicate congenital cardiopulmonary anomalies or central nervous system (CNS) depression. A newborn baby, specifically a baby in the first 4 weeks after birth. After a month, a baby is no longer considered a neonate.
Last Updated on: Jan 10, 2025List of Open Access Journals View More
Dermatology Case Reports: Open Access Journal
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Department of Electrical Engineering: Current Research
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