Organic chemistry is the study of the synthesis, structure, reactivity and properties of the diverse group of chemical compounds primarily constructed of carbon. All life on earth is carbon-based, thus organic chemistry is also the basis of biochemistry. The ability to form compounds containing long chains of carbon atoms is the basis of polymer chemistry. It is a branch of chemistry that studies the structure, properties and reactions of organic compounds, which contain carbon in covalent bonding. Study of structure determines their chemical composition and formula. Study of properties includes physical and chemical properties, and evaluation of chemical reactivity. New fields of organic chemistry for example include organometallic chemistry, which is the study of carbon-based compounds that contain metals, and bioorganic chemistry, which combines organic chemistry and biochemistry. Methods of organic chemistry are used in medicinal chemistry, natural product chemistry, and materials science. In the industry, organic chemists work in discovery chemistry (making new molecules) and process optimization (finding better synthetic methods for large scale production).


Last Updated on: Jan 22, 2025

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