Parasitology is the study of parasites, their hosts, and the relationship between them. As a biological discipline, the scope of parasitology is not resolute by the organism or environment in question but by their way of life. This betokens it composes a synthesis of other disciplines, and draws on techniques from fields such as cell biology, bioinformatics, biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology, genetics, evolution and ecology.The study of these diverse organisms betokens that the subject is often broken up into simpler, more focused units, which use mundane techniques, even if they are not studying the same organisms or diseases. Much research in parasitology falls somewhere between two or more of these definitions. In general, the study of prokaryotes falls under the field of bacteriology rather than parasitology.The parasitologist F.E.G. Cox noted that "Humans are hosts to proximately 300 species of parasitic worms and over 70 species of protozoa, some derived from our primate forebears and some acquired from the animals we have domesticated or come in contact with during our relatively short history on Earth".One of the most astronomically immense fields in parasitology, medical parasitology is the subject that deals with the parasites that infect humans, the diseases caused by them, clinical picture and the replication engendered by humans against them. It is withal concerned with the sundry methods of their diagnosis, treatment and conclusively their aversion & control. A parasite is an organism that live on or within another organism called the host. To increment the overtness and facilitate of avail of open access scientific and scholarly journals top online publishing journals are indexed in different indexing and archiving accommodations. Indexing provides facile access of the article online. The top online publishing journals publish articles which are cited as references by many authors in their work. Citations are paramount for a journal to get impact factor. Impact factor is a quantification reflecting the average number of citations to recent articles published in the journal. The impact of the journal is influenced by impact factor, the journals with high impact factor are considered more paramount than those with lower ones. Indexing provides facile access of the article online. The international journals are among the best open access journals in the world, set out to publish the most comprehensive, pertinent and reliable information predicated on the current research and development on a variety of subjects. This information can be published in our peer reviewed journal with impact factors and are calculated utilizing citations not only from research articles but adscititiously review articles (which incline to receive more citations), editorials, letters, meeting abstracts, short communications, and case reports. The inclusion of these publications provides the opportunity for editors and publishers to manipulate the ratio used to calculate the impact factor and endeavor to increment their number expeditiously. Impact factor plays a major role for the particular journal.


Last Updated on: Jan 22, 2025

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