Open Access Journal of Reproductive System and Sexual Disorders (OAJRSD) is an multi-faceted scholarly online Journal promoting scientific knowledge in the field of Reproduction and Sexual Disorders. This Journal is allocated to Current Research work in the field of Reproductive medicine, Sex-determination, Reproductive health, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexual behavior, Hormone replacement therapy, Placenta, Reproductive endocrinology, Sexually transmitted diseases, Obstetrics and In vitro fertilization. Progesterone, Urinary tract infections, Male infertility, etc. This Journal focuses on novel articles corresponding to the precise topics such as, Unisexual Reproduction Spermatogonia, Adenocarcinomas, Uterus sexual and Erectile dysfunction, Gonadotropin-releasing hormone Chromosomal abnormalities, Abortion, Spermantozoa, Pheromone, Genitalia, Fallopian tube, Cervical dilation, Mammary gland, Sex hormones etc. This Journal accepts the submission of scientific papers that meet the general standards of scientific excellence. The Journal encourages Research Papers, Review Articles, Short Communications, Case Reports and Editorials etc. for the current and future research. The manuscripts submitted are strict to Peer-Review process before publication to make sure that any manuscript published is scientifically authorized.
List of Open Access Journals View More
Journal of Cardiology Research and Endovascular Therapy
The journal focus includes cardiac diseases, cardiovascular surgeries, pathophysiology, screening and epidemiology, vascular diseases, embolic protection, imaging technologies and electrophysiology, drug-eluting stents etc. JCRET articles will be strictly peer-reviewed through double blind...View More
International Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
IJBTE is a scholarly open access peer-reviewed journal aim to publish be valuable source of information both experimental and theoretical in field of Tissue science, Health science, Regenerative medicine, Engineering and use of devices and biomaterial for disease diagnosis in biological system....View More
Public Health and Epidemiology: Open Access Journal
PHEOAJ is a scholarly open access peer-reviewed journal aim to publish be valuable source of information both experimental and theoretical in the field of Public health, Epidemiology, Health care system...View More
Journal of Molecular Genetics and Gene Research
Journal of Molecular Genetics and Gene Research is a peer reviewed scientific journal known for rapid dissemination of high-quality research. It serves the International Scientific Community with its standard research publications. This journal is using Online Manuscript Management system...View More
Journal of Environmental and Pollution
JEP is a scholarly open access peer-reviewed journal aim to publish be valuable source of information both experimental and theoretical in the field of environmental issues and Pollution and its applications...View More
International Journal of Biomedical Science and Research
International Journal of Biomedical Science and Research is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, academic journal that provides an area to share the information by medical scientists and researchers on the topics of biomedical science. Biomedical Science is the field of study that focuses on the areas of biology...View More