Reviews in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Khushnuma Khan

Department of Jagmohan Das Ward, Silicobyte Katni Degree College, Madhya Pradesh, India

  • Mini Review   
    Scope of Organometallic Compound and their Profound Biological Implication - A Review
    Author(s): Mohd. Washid Khan* and Khushnuma Khan

    The combination of steel provides opportunities to develop structures with well-defined structures. In which most of contagious diseases and their prevention will be depend on the metabolism of organic and nonorganic elements. Blending chemistry offers interconnectivities to use metal detectors as secret agents. These integration combinations show significant variability in performance. Metal ions and these bonds can improve the function of active moieties. This paper updates about diversity the use of metal structures in the physiological and biological system. This review summarizes the latest advances in organometallic problems for the use of diagnostic and therapeutic applications in detail with advances focused on organometallic technology... Read More»

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