Nanomedicine and Nanoscience Technology: Open Access

Lauro Figueroa Valverde

University Autonomous of Campeche (Faculty of Chemical-Biological Sciences), Calle Av. Agustín Melgar s/n, Buenavista, 24039 Campeche, Mexico

  • Mini Review   
    Distribution of Leptons by Van der Waals Radius in Exobiological Nanomolecules
    Author(s): Ricardo Gobato, Alireza Heidari*, Lauro Figueroa Valverde and Abhijit Mitra

    The focus of the work deals with the analysis of the action sites of four exobiological nanomolecules, determined by the distribution of electrical charges around the nanomolecules atoms called: ASi, CSi, GSi and TSi. The Van der Waals radius distribution calculations have been determined via ab initio Hartree-Fock methods, Unrestricted and Restrict (UHF and RHF) in the set of basis used Effective Core Potential (ECP) minimal basis, and CC-pVTZ (Correlation-consistent valence-only basis sets triple-zeta). The study has so far been limited to computational ab initio methods. The results are compatible with the theory of quantum chemistry, but their comprovation experimental verification depend on advanced techniques for their synthesis, obtaining in laboratory for experimental biochemical... Read More»

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