Nanomedicine and Nanoscience Technology: Open Access
Pornlada Nuchnoi
Department of Clinical Microscopy, Mahidol University, Thailand
Research Article
Computational Analysis on MicroRNAs that Modulate Significant Host Response Genes as Potential Biomarkers in Cerebral Malaria Infection
Author(s): Gregorio Rangel*, Pornlada Nuchnoi, Anuwat pinyachart and Surasak Wanram
Introduction: Pathogenesis of severe malaria and cerebral malaria infection is a major problem that affects human body. Candidate genes related to the pathogenesis of malaria disease such as CD36, IFN-γ, TLR4, PRR15 may associate with host microRNA. The contribution of the malaria pathogenesis with host cytokine responses through the cerebral malaria infection may associate with significant miRNAs serving for biomarkers still remain unclear. Objectives: This study was focused on prediction of host target miRNAs response genes association with pathogenesis of malaria as a potential biomarker for development of severe malaria and cerebral malaria. Materials and methods: Two different bioinformatics tools including miRanda and Target Scan were used in the prediction of the host genes associated specifically with.. Read More»
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