Reviews in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Sandeep Kumar Maurya

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bundelkhand University, India

  • Mini Review   
    Application of Biostatistics in Pharmaceutical Science
    Author(s): Sandeep Kumar Maurya*

    Biostatistics has an important role in both designing a pharmaceutical experiment and evaluating its result. Randomization techniques are essentially important in designing an experiment. The goal of randomization is transforming systematic errors into random errors and confirming comparability among experimental groups. Randomization also provides a rationale for applying statistical tests. Combining randomization techniques with blinding and local control enables us to construct a scientifically reliable and effective experiment. An appropriate statistical analysis absolutely depends on the method of randomization. In order for a pharmacological study to be successful, it is very important to consider statistical aspects in the designing stage... Read More»

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